Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Day to Celebrate Love

A holiday based around love is the most beautiful celebration I can think of. Love is the most important feeling in life. It is paramount to love yourself, love your dreams and love the important people in your life.

Something odd in society has happened where an anti-Valentine movement has arisen. Some media outlets will lead us to believe that it is some new phenomenon, but my hypothesis is this feeling and actions are as old as time.

What it really boils down to is jealously, which is fear based that we will never find the love which others have.

I know how horrible Valentine’s Day used to make me feel in high school and college. I felt like such a social reject with all the outward displays of affection that surrounded me.

I never got to experience a real valentine of my own, but guess what? No one made me feel that way I chose to buy into what society said about the day and then I projected feelings of inferiority on to myself because I lacked the ability to experience something on an arbitrary date.

Choose to love yourself everyday: No one controls how you feel about yourself except you. Remember your positive attributes and good deeds everyday.

Have you every known someone who rushes into a relationship just to have someone on Valentine’s Day? Don’t sell out yourself or your dreams to match some arbitrary date on a calendar. Make sure everything you choose to do is out of joy.

Don‘t let others’ ideas bring you down.

Have you ever heard of someone being uninvited from an event because someone deemed it couples only and single people weren’t allowed. I have heard of this and I think it is one of the rudest acts. Just because someone is single doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy good food or music. If you would be happy being surrounded by your friends whom all happen to be in relationships I say embark on the evening. If someone uninvites you that is their problem and you have better things to do to pursue your dreams.

Be Thankful

Even though I find myself single for the 27th time in a row on Valentine’s Day I am extremely thankful for the wonderful people in my life and the wonderful year I have had since we last celebrated cupid’s arrows and pink frilly hearts. I say all us single people should send out a prayer to all those who have found love over the last year and those who continue to embark on the journey of true love hand and hand that their love continues and grows.

I firmly believe if we stay positive while going down the path of our dreams the winds of favor will gust in our direction and true love is just around the corner!

Love is the most powerful and beautiful force in the world. I humbly ask that you find a way to celebrate everyday. Love is joy, passion, appreciation and compassion. Love is never fear.

Have the courage to love everyday and celebrate love everyday!

Thanks for reading

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