Thursday, February 26, 2009

We Always Control Something

It has already been documented that I was up in the wee hours of the morning today. I strongly believe one of the reasons I couldn't sleep was because I was meant to see a Tony Robbins infomercial somewhere around 4 a.m.

I know Tony is a gifted man who inspires many. He said something on the infomercial that sparked this idea. Tony said that the reason people accept circumstances that they don't want to is because people are concerned with uncertainty.

This made me think, sure there are many things that are uncertain in life, but we must remember that we have some level of control in everything we do. No matter what is going on in the environments around us we always control our thoughts leading up to and during any situation. Also no matter what occurs in the outside world we control how we react to any stimuli.

I have been so blessed in recent years to be released from so many of my shackles of fear, but I'm still human. One area where I still encounter fear and uncertainty is my driving. As I've written previously, the stoplight before I go on to Highway 31 has driven me bonkers at times. The last time it did this I wrote about it. Here is how the situation broke down when you discuss elements of fear, uncertainty and control.

The Fear: I felt nervous just sitting at the stoplight. This nervous feeling really boils down to fear due to traffic whizzing by me while I sit in the car on a declining hill.

The Uncertainty: The unconscious thought I was having while sitting at the stoplight was I hope my brakes keep working while I’m sitting here with traffic driving by.

The Control: I know my hand is safely on the brake and I control the car. I can be patient any other time so I just need to calm down and be patient at the red light. When the light turns green I know I can safely make the turn.

I hope everyone can see how the process can be broken down to fit any situation and eliminate fear. I am sure there is someone saying there are situations where we have no control because so much ambiguity exists.

My answer to that is we can always control our thoughts and that makes a difference. Expecting to fully control our lives might not manifest instantly, but I challenge anyone to realize how much control they do have and make some momentum towards your dreams today!

Thanks for reading

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