Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Highway 31 Theory Revisited

I can see Highway 31 anytime of day right outside my front window. The speed limit of the cars zooming by is supposedly 40 miles per hour, but when I am sitting still it seems so much faster. At times, nothing brings me more apprehension then sitting at the long red light waiting to make my left hand turn on to Highway 31.

I wrote a piece several weeks back on Highway 31. I am proud to report I have grown so much in a few simple weeks. I understand so much more about love, fear and how so many things in life are neither good nor bad, but I still found myself being nervous at that darn stoplight today.

Here is the process I found myself going through today:

I recognized that I was feeling nervous sitting at the stoplight today.
-It is pretty hard to fix a problem unless you know it exists.

I asked myself why was I nervous.
-The universe shows its beautiful ways when we have the courage to ask a question, it might take some time, but the answer will come to us if we stay positively vigilant with our thoughts.

I listened to myself ask the question and I was able to break down a cloudy confusing question down to some simple points.
-First I have my hand firmly planted on the brake so I wasn’t going anywhere. If I am firmly in my location there is no need to feel apprehensive even if cars are whizzing by me and I am sitting on a hill. Second waiting doesn’t bother me much any other time so I shouldn’t let it bother me now. When the light is red I just need to patiently wait my turn. When the light is green it is my turn and I can handle that too!

Even though this is based around how one certain intersection and I do not mesh well I hope others can see that the lessons learned from this simple situation can be applied to other things that happen in this beautifully odd dance we call life.

Something happened today at the stoplight that I had never experienced before. The wind was blowing quite hard and the lights were slightly swaying back and forth. I used this visual as a reminder how the winds of chance are always blowing no matter how simple or complex the situation is.

It is up to us through our thoughts and actions whether or not they will be winds of favor. We all have the power to make wonderful things happen, but it makes life easier when we expect those gusts to help us out.

Thanks for reading

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