Monday, January 12, 2009

Go to Denver!

I watched Grey’s Anatomy Thursday and a simple line spoke to me very loudly.

One of the patients in the story had a medical condition that had gone undiagnosed for quite some time. This medical condition had been a major burden on her life and had limited her in many ways. As soon as she was diagnosed and proper medical care had been given she wanted to know when she could leave the hospital. When asked if she was looking forward to going home she responded “No. I'm going to Denver.”

She was determined to reconnect with a lost love. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed this example of someone going after what they really want, I enjoyed the doctors’ response even more.

I'm going to Denver became their battle cry for the day that basically replaced seize the day. This concept made me grin ear to ear. I have no idea if this is human nature or not, but it is very important to me to keep things fresh and make up new sayings and other concepts all time.

I believe wholeheartedly that life is supposed to be fun and sayings like this reenergize me. Even when I'm going after my biggest dreams like the Paralympics and being published I need a kick in the hindquarters every once and a while and for some reason “I'm going to Denver” does it for me. Even if you don't like Grey's Anatomy be like JD and Turk from Scrubs and “go to steak night and eat it right!”

My point is there are so many ways to have fun in life and you do not have to subscribe to anyone else's sensibilities. Do what works for you so you can have more fun and get more done.

I know one thing that is currently making me quite apprehensive is the editing process for my first book. I haven't come up with the perfect battle cry for the situation yet, but I know I need to start assembling the bricks and figure out if I have enough to build my first house.

Please keep it fresh and get excited about every step in your journey!

Thanks for reading

Please check out my new website at some point in the near future everything will shift over to there.

1 comment:

m.j. said...

Yeah got onto it through another friend on Facebook... kind of creepy hey! hehe
Not a fan of Grey's either but I must admit there's been a few lines on there that have kind of relandscaped my life for me :-)