Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Inspiration?

As I have mentioned in previous posts I have struggled with the word inspiration in the past. I took it to have a negative connotation, which I no longer agree with. I think inspiration can be a powerful word. It can be the catalyst for excellence and a dangerous word all in one. To me inspiration represents a spark, a thought, an idea, but nothing more.

I’ve been lucky to be successful in a few ways in life, but I have failed way more than I have ever succeeded. I believe a large part of this had to do with my inability to take action. I would come up with ideas, but I was so scared to make things happen. Throughout my life I figured out a way to encourage others, but I was my worse naysayer. I was also worried about offending people with my actions. It took me a long time to figure this out, but if someone has a problem with my actions based in peace and progression that’s their problem. I am certain taking action results in more success in life.

Therefore I would like to submit a new word for everyone’s consideration. Inspiraction: Take the spark that is currently inspiring you and make something happen, today. There is no need to wait. Even if you are just taking a step in the right direction, you are blazing a new trail! That is how dreams come true, one step at a time. If it’s planted in your heart don’t think about the step just take the step.

Inspiraction is just a humble idea but if it helps facilitate one dream than it has done its job.

Thanks for your consideration

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