Friday, January 30, 2009

Live Your Life, Love Your Life

Back in October and November I listened to the song Live Your Life by TI featuring Rihanna on a loop. I loved the general message of doing what you want with your life and being thankful for what you have. The song made such an impact on me I wanted to write a piece on it right after I heard it, but the words just didn’t come.

For the last 8 years or so I have believed everything happens for a reason, but life keeps telling me that fact with louder volume through my different experiences.

As I was trying to fall asleep about a week ago the phrase live your life, love your life just came to me. Life is wonderful, but love is paramount.

My wonderful friend Linda who has read countless items on positive energy and the law of attraction has taught me that one of two emotions lies at the root of every thought we have. Either we do things in love or we do things in fear. If we always choose love great things will come to us and I promise we’ll have more fun along the way too!

In a way that only makes sense in my brain I saw something on Monday night that has a different point, but somehow it works for me.

I was watching Inside the Actor’s Studio on Monday night and they had Conan O’Brien on as a guest. He said something that I continue to find even truer as each day passes.

When talking to James Lipton he said that there were many interns on Late Night. If they want to know how to be funny watch rehearsal and see how it all comes together at the very last minute. He expounded by saying something like “we don’t have any idea what we’re doing and it just works itself out.”

Mr. O’Brien continued with this idea, “as you branch out into different fields you realize how no one has any idea what they are doing in anything.” He used such entities like the stock market as an example.

Mr. O’Brien furthered stated that when we realize that we all have no idea what we are doing, we all have a choice to make either you allow this to terrify you or liberate you.

Always choose love and liberation! Realize that fear will exist, but we must embrace it like a scared child and keep moving forward.

I am still learning about this myself, but expect a section on love and fear in Have
Courage to Eat Soup with a Fork.

Thanks for reading!

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