Thursday, January 22, 2009

We Are All Dragon Warriors!

I had the great honor to watch Kung Fu Panda on Tuesday.  Once again just like Meet The Robinsons this animated film had so many wonderful lessons about life.

First Po never gave up on his dreams.  He was determined to see who the Dragon Warrior would be so he tried time and time again to get a view of the ceremony.  He would get a small glimpse each time he tried, but then his view would be blocked or some other aspect would thwart his plan.  Then he took the action to make the firework chair, which blasted his reality into his dreams and beyond.

Later on in the movie Po is asked by the masters why he is staying to train. He is doing so poorly, he’s failing miserably at his attempt to learn kung fu.

I can relate so much when Po says something to the effect "the reason I stay even though it hurts so much to fail is because it hurts so much more to be who I am when I don’t try to be who I want to be."

I have been blessed to be involved in athletics since I was nine years old, but a in my four sport journey through my life I have never been great in the way I want to be in the last 18 years. It hurts me so badly to not manifest what I want to be on a consistent basis. I see very small glimpses of the possibilities during eight minutes in November, four minutes in December or some random 15 seconds on any given Tuesday or Saturday, but for the most part I am so disappointed in myself. However I have faith that I am going down the right path to find my firework chair that will blast me into a reality beyond my wildest dreams.

We are all capable of this, but we must have faith in our thoughts and beliefs. We all have dragon scrolls to use, our brains!   Positive thoughts can make small intermediate impacts right away and as you continue to go down that path the momentum builds and builds.

 Here is a small example of the power of thoughts. When I am home in Chicago I think nothing of it when it’s 20°, however when it hovered somewhere in the high 20s in Birmingham I felt so cold. Then I thought to myself why am I cold? It is so much warmer than 0 like at home right now. I instantly felt warmer when I thought of how lucky I was and that put a smile on my face.

 We all have the capability to go after our dreams or change our current outcomes by thinking positive thoughts and having the courage to love everyone around us including ourselves. If you’re chasing a dream and things don’t seem to be flowing right even though it is firmly planted in your heart find a way to heal what is bothering you and keep pushing forward.

In Kung Fu Panda they struggle  to find the one dragon warrior, but there is no struggle because there is no need to limit. We are all Dragon Warriors!

They also say in Kung Fu Panda that "there is no secret ingredient" and even though I understand their point I think belief and love are amazing secret ingredients. Anything is possible in this world if we surround ourselves  in an environment where everything is possible and we are all connected together as one loving family. Sometimes the choice of love does not result in immediate positive outcomes, but if we all have faith to stay the course the fruits of our labors will be immense.

 Thanks for reading


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