Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!

Today is a very exciting day for the United States of America and the rest of the world. Today we welcome the administration of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Obama!

I’m extremely excited for the Obama era to begin and it has very little to do with politics. President Obama understands community and love that in a way that will allow this to be a time of transcendence in the world. He is blessed with the ability to inspire millions and he also realizes that inspiration without action has no value.

I have been impressed by President Obama since the Democratic National Convention in 2004. In spring 2006 than Senator Obama gave the commencement speech at Northwestern University. I was no longer on campus because I graduated early in December, but I downloaded the Senator’s speech on that day. I was so impressed by what I read that document has stayed on my desktop screen for the past 2 ½ years.

I have wanted to write about the inspirational abilities of the President for a long time, but I was apprehensive that I could not do him justice and I still feel I have not digested everything I need to in order to say exactly what I want to say.

I promise an extensive piece on President Obama and connected issues when the time is right.

Until then please realize that even though today is a special day in history, citizens of the world can build whatever we want any day.

Peace and Love on a monumental day!

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