Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pieces of People

As I continue down  the path of my life I've come to the sad realization that no matter how hard you try sometimes people just fall out of your life. Sure there can be a dramatic falling out like the movies, but most of the time it is a subtle thing that happens over time.   I know it is part of the natural aspects to growth and life in general, but I don't like it. I don't see why we can't continue to grow our families of friends under almost any circumstance.

I fully understand it is reality,  but there are many times I have visions of a better reality where things continue to grow and get better and we adapt rather than disconnect. Like I've said before, when I was a kid I never understood many social aspects of life. I never understood the statement there is a thin line between  love and hate.  Under the vast majority of circumstances how can you ever hate something you once loved? 

As I gain more life experiences I understand the statement, but I beg everyone who reads this to have the patience, wisdom and strength to be above this negative emotional statement.  As we connect with people on a higher level, they have a deeper place in our heart and soul and when they leave our lives even under the best of circumstances a little jagged edge can create a very deep wound.   I try extremely hard to always focus on the positive,  but one area  I have failed in recent months is when I  think about once close allies who are nowhere to be found in my life.   If I look  at one of these people as a whole I start by remembering the good times, but I find myself going to a cloudy place that I'm not used to visiting.

A new technique I have adopted to gain the positive that is there is to break these special people into pieces. I remember their best attributes or the funniest stories and disregard the rest. I remember the time they got me out of that pickle,  their ability to make me laugh so hard or the most caring, kind spirit I have ever known.

Even Chris the dreamer realizes he might never see a person again, but that doesn't mean the wonderful  things you learned or experienced have to die. Have  the courage to take those pieces and make yourself a better you.

I will  be the first to admit I don't have this down to a science, but I'm certain it is better to try to be positive than to wallow in self pity  or block somebody or something completely out of your mind. 

Sometimes we want to hold on to the past because we think it was the peak of the mountain, but if we keep our dreams alive with a great attitude to work hard and help our fellow man there is a new peak  waiting for us. There could be days of snowy weather or haziness ahead, but the peak is still there.

Lets go straight to the top!

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