Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Birthday Time!

Hey Party People!

Guess what? It’s the 27th anniversary of my birth!

For a guy who likes to treat every day like a holiday in the past I’ve been really poor at celebrating “my day”. That’s over now though. I am celebrating right here and everywhere right at the same time through the power of the Internet. We are all so blessed to live in a time where communication and connections happen at the speed of a broadband cable.

My friends and family are dispersed throughout the world, which makes celebrations in the traditional sense difficult, but I say when tradition is impractical; innovate!

Welcome to Chris’s virtual birthday party. The party will not be televised however it can be found on a computer screen, a Blackberry or a piece of paper near you.

I wanted to write a nice fun piece that might resemble a party. The topics might not be connected just like when you talk to different people in a party situation however by the time it was over hopefully everyone had some fun and it was worth your time.

In an ideal world maybe something at the party sparked something inside you and we can use that light to brighten the world around us. If there is some extra light maybe we can use it to illuminate the candles on the virtual cake. :)

Every party needs some planning so I reviewed my wrap-up piece for 2008 again. I was extremely surprised how much of it I had already forgotten. I think this shows a major shift in my attitude. I used to remember everything and now I just let life flow and it seems to be working out so much better. I think it is important to be reading and writing our own life story at all times. Remember the past, but don’t live in it because you have so many more experiences that are left unwritten.

What is a party without music?

If there is a composer to my playlist of life it is definitely John Mayer. In a recent iPod upgrade I realized that 13 of the top 25 listened to songs is the work of my favorite lyricist from Connecticut. His words speaks so loudly to me and I am proud of the fact that I saw him play live in the same auditorium I had accounting classes before I ever saw any of his videos on MTV.

My favorite song on his most recent album is entitled In Your Atmosphere. For me it was one of those songs that I had to listen to for days before I understood what it was about. It is a song about lost love, but it also taught me a wonderful lesson in perspective.

The line that sticks out to me the most is “I don’t think I’m gonna go to LA anymore.” John sings the lyric in a way that speaks of sadness, which is totally understandable, but I think I’ve come up with a different way to look at it.

He could say I’m not going to LA anymore full of enthusiasm and joy. One connection did not work out, but that just means something better lies ahead. He doesn’t have time to go to LA because he has to visit others that are on his frequency all over the world.

I know my way is much harder, but having faith in the unseen reaps massive benefits. As I was reminded today by my wonderful friend Linda most of the time life is about what we feel and we don’t need to focus on labels or our two-dimensional world.

Trust the feeling, love the feeling, and live the feeling.

You better believe I am rocking out hard-core with the beautiful music that plays in my head. I hope you have time to celebrate with me by finding a joyful feeling and say a few thank yous for the unexpected blessings in all of our lives.

Those that come to mind over the last year include ownership of my beloved Element, what a wonderful experience Vancouver was in June, and my parents and I grinning ear to ear over the Peabody Ducks. Not to mention all the wonderful people that has assisted me in getting a forum for my new career and life.

What’s a party without some entertainment!

Keep it light, with the light of life! Thanks for the link Conor. Another special thank you goes to Gary, Crystal and Linda for spending my birthday with me in person.

Until we can meet again in person I hope you enjoyed this little virtual gathering I created. I am so blessed to have you all in my life and I am so excited that I just threw the biggest party I’ve ever had!

Thanks for attending!

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