Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Big Ledger

I came up with this idea about six years ago and it just popped back into my head  out of the blue today. Nothing I will be talking about has any absolute nature to it whatsoever. These statements are all just ideas.

Digest whatever you like and if it helps at all, great. I'm sure most people are aware of the concept of karma, the idea of what comes around goes around and you cannot escape the energy you create. I know the law of attraction and similar ideas are absolutely true, but I've learned they don't work in a linear fashion and at times can be hard to predict.

From my own experiences and talking to several friends on this topic it is particularly difficult when you're good to a person or group and they betray that goodness with negative actions of some kind. In my younger days there is no question I did not deal with such situations well, but learn from my mistake and meet most actions with peace, calmness and positive actions.

As part of the condition of being human, petty actions happen all the time. Find  the courage and strength  to rise above it. 

A few weeks ago I came across a beautiful song by Kanye West called Street Lights.  Throughout the song there is a beautiful metaphor about faith, taking chances and possibilities  that we don't fully understand. A lyric that is constantly repeated is "Life's just not fair" and after many days of consideration I agree with Mr. West.  Life is not fair, but it is beautiful.   In a fair system 2+2 always equals 4, but that is not how karmic math works.  Karmic math is so complex we can't fully understand it, but we must have faith in it. 

As I am putting together my next post, which will be my last of 2008 I have brought myself to tears a couple times this afternoon.  I do not cry often, my eyes have been dry for the entire fall and winter, however I can't help it when I think of Brenden Foster.  He was so much smarter then me and he didn't get the chance to be a teenager. I figure Brenden was so much better then us God needed him to work along side him in heaven

I don't understand God's big ledger in heaven, but I am thankful for the beautiful page I have been given.  There is little question that Brenden's page did not balance, but it was one of the most beautiful pages in the massive book of credits and debits.

I ask that if someone wrongs you, let it go.  Sing your song and ignore the interference.  Let somebody greater then us do the accounting and focus on accumulating credits of good that make your dreams closer or helps your fellow man.

Lets start a new math together full of love and persistence!

Thanks for reading

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