Saturday, December 27, 2008


During my November 2008 visit to Memphis I had the honor to go to the Stax Museum, which chronicled the once famous musical label based in Memphis.

The last exhibit I viewed I believe was a special exhibit that was completely based around photographs. Many of the photographs were set up in clear plastic frames which allowed for something very special to occur in my eyes.

On one wall was a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. on a perpendicular wall  was a picture of one of the first famous African-American disc jockeys.  I apologize I do not know his name at the moment.  However  when I looked at the disc jockey's photo a very unique visual experience occurred, because of the frames it looked like  you could see the disc jockey thinking about Martin Luther King Jr.

I'm sure this is not a stretch, I would bet the disc jockey thought of Dr. King often as he was also a leader and voice for the same group of people. I know I carry around many people with me everyday through my thoughts. There is no visual proof of it, but it is still a fact.

My point is simple. Never underestimate your own actions because you never know who is carrying you around in their head. As our legacies  live on in the form of other people's memories don't we all want to be remembered for positive actions of love like Dr. King?

Thanks for your love,  I love everyone

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