The picture you see here is the basis for my first consistent imaginary friend. His name is Ruf Ruf and he is a country dog!
I think I've been a pretty creative kid ever since I can remember but my first consistent imaginary friend was born on January 14, 1990, my eighth birthday. My parents took some of my classmates and I to Chuck E. Cheese and at the end of the afternoon my buddies put all their game coupons together so I could get Ruf Ruf.
It was not in the cards for me to get a real dog so I was going to make one up! He slept with me that very first night and our adventures began in my dreams.
I know this is an area where kids are superior to adults. Kids are not afraid to think outside of the box to make life more fun. Life is supposed to be fun! If an 11-year old can remember to have fun and give back to others when he is losing the battle with terminal cancer. Do any of us have an excuse not to have fun?
I will concede that the path I have chosen allows me a great deal of freedom to think outside the box. Coming up with Wilson the writing worm a few days ago was just another day at the office for me, but I'm sure everyone of us can find three minutes a day to make something new that gives us chuckle.
I didn't think I would bring this up for a long time but the wonderful voice inside my head is telling me that it is a good idea. At my elementary school it was customary for kids to eat outside on the playground when it got warm enough. It was one of the first days of playground lunch in fourth or fifth grade and I had finally achieved enough upper body strength where I was able to get in and out of my chair off the ground with no assistance. I decided it was time to use this skill to sit down on the asphalt in the customary lunch circles with everybody else. As soon as I touched the ground a whole lunch circle of several kids decided to get up in unison and leave me sitting by myself for lunch. This was a very scarring experience but a beautiful flower arose from it. I vowed never to make fun of anyone for something they couldn't control.
In all honesty I have failed this promise to myself on several occasions especially around my early teen years however it gave me the freedom to make many jokes and tell many stories about complete figments of my imagination. Who could be offended when I make fun of the invisible kid named Wolfgang!
My point is no matter what your age is have the courage to think outside of the box and be silly. However I beg you please do not be negative or gang up like the immature ways of our past. Create a new joke that can be shared with any friend. Inclusive is a word that bonds us all together. Responsible joy is the name of the game!
The most important story I've shared is the selfless act of my birthday party attendees. They worked together to pool their resources and plant the first seed in my beautiful imaginary garden. Thank you everyone for cultivating this land with me. We will change the world together with our creations!
Thanks for reading!
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