Saturday, December 20, 2008

Words: Tools of Power

I have heard the phrase "whether you believe you can do something or not you are right" for several years now but I have realized it's full power relative recently.  

Our thoughts control our lives and thoughts are nothing more then words and images.  Simple phrases can propel us to success.  In my pre-blog days I was sitting in front of a word processor paralyzed with uncertainty.  I just kept writing I can do this, I can do this, until the inspiration hit me to write two and a half pages on various topics.

Did you notice at the top of my blog I wrote I am a writer.  At the time I wrote it I had never published anything but less then a month later I am being published internationally in the spring.  

We all have flaws and quirks but happiness and success are God given rights if we put in the work and take care of our fellow man!  Cancel the negative thoughts and own your flaws as vessels of humility.

Hi. I am Chris Rathje I am ridiculously happy most of the time, I'm klutzy, a poor driver and my hair is falling out but I have a right to my dreams and you do too!

I am going to write, travel the world, and represent my country in the Paralympics in 2012 and 2016.  The path might be hazy, but it is there.  God has planted these dreams in my heart since the 3rd grade.  Who I am argue?  I have always held out hope no matter how fleeting, but now my words match my deepest beliefs.

You have the power to say what you want.  Now go get it!

I pray for and love you all.

Thanks for reading.

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