Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Please Reach Out!

 Today I had the opportunity to see the movie 7 Pounds. I promise to try to not give anything away about the movie but I would like to discuss a  common life theme I saw in it.

Please keep in mind I  have my own unique way of looking at things and sometimes other people will not see what I see. I humbly ask you open your mind to what I have to say but at the end of the day do what you feel is right.

A common theme I saw in the movie that I have also seen throughout life the last few years is every single  person has their own challenges and scars. Some can be seen with the naked eye while others need a deeper investigation. 

I know God or the universe has a way of putting the people we need in our lives. Every close friend I can think of just randomly came into my life one way or another.   Even during  times when I was actively searching for new friends; requests  were only  answered when I stopped trying so hard.

 For whatever reason actually getting to know a new person can be challenging and/or scary.  I  believe faith is paramount in situations like this. Please have the courage to reach out and make a connection.

 It is absolutely possible  you will be rejected but that is 100% fine. In my younger days I used to get so discouraged by rejection but I've learned relatively recently that rejection is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with either person in a failed connection they just aren't on the same frequency  and need to keep going on their way to find others that more accurately fit their path.   Through rejections in the past I have a much better understanding of myself and what I am looking for in friends. Please just keep fine-tuning until you've met the people that are meant to sing in your choir.

You cannot make the music of your life without a few failed collaborations.  Please  keep reaching out so we can accomplish all our wonderful dreams together! 

Thank you for your time on this wonderful holiday

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