Sunday, December 21, 2008

The New Question: Where?

The crew at have posted new work!  The location is Brooklyn and now the question is "If you could wake up anywhere where would it be?"

This question sets the table for us to have a deep look into someone's thoughts through the portal of a simple question.

We see a wide variety of answers that represent contentment, excitement, creativity and even grief.

Since the first time I have seen the video I have had one definite answer but I would also like to go over some alternatives from different sides within in me.

My inner 4 year old wants to wake up wherever wheelchair rugby  is being played in addition to where his friends are so he can be goofy and loud.

My romantic side wants to wake up in a warmer bed then I am used to.  He is eager to see the face of an unknown angel that will change his life.

My creative side wants to wake up in a world where total strangers having a conversation is commonplace.  If people from all over the world could switch roommates every few days think about the better understanding of the world around us we would have!

Now for my main answer I want to wake up wherever I am and in days to come places I dream of.  I wish to recognize the current step in my journey while knowing my dreams are coming true sooner then I can fathom.  I want to wake up in places like New York, London, Hawaii, Buenos Aires and Auckland but in order for that to happen I must be appreciative of the current day and work towards the visions of my mind's eye.

In closing I would like to send major kudos to the woman in the blue scarf for her outside of the box thinking.  Thoughts like that are the catalyst for propelling society to new heights.  

Keep up the great work!  Food for thought dreams can become thoughts and thoughts can become reality.  Therefore anything is possible if you remember your dreams wherever you wake up!

Sweet Dreams Everyone!

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