Saturday, December 27, 2008

What Is a Disability?

Even though I'm about to try to answer the question how I see fit. I also humbly ask the question to anyone who is willing to submit to the debate.

I have friends who do not appreciate the word disabled at all. For whatever reason it does not bother me. In general, labels don't bother me for the most part. I know I have my weaknesses in certain areas but this is not the forum  for that discussion. Other people I know appreciate phrases like differently able, but that does not appeal to my sensibilities. Isn't every person on the face of the earth differently able from everyone else?

I know this is a inefficient, but I usually take the time to fully describe my circumstances especially for people I've never met in person. I always start out by saying that I use a wheelchair to get around. If further explanation is necessary I go on to explain my hands don't work so well especially in dynamic situations. In the rare case this is not enough I also explain I deal with balance issues and muscle spasms.

I rarely mention I have cerebral palsy to people who have limited disability knowledge because I have had some very odd reactions in the past. On multiple occasions I have had people tell me  that I am lazy or there is something wrong with me because I can not walk. Strangers  have told me they know someone else with cerebral palsy and they can walk, so I should be able to as well. Some do not understand that cerebral palsy is a very broad term.

Can't that be said for disabilities as a whole? My "disability" has given me so much.  A short list of attributes includes a tenacious attitude, a wiser spirit and  a passion for wheelchair sports that has pushed the rest of my existence on this wonderful planet. 

I will freely admit I do many things poorly compared to norms.  However I ask a simple question.  Who is more disabled when washing clothes?  A  man who refuses to get off the couch and help or someone like myself who will offer the productive contribution of poor loading skills and atrocious folding skills anytime he is asked.

Food for thought.  Thanks for reading!

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