Friday, December 19, 2008

Gravy For Everyone!

Hello Everyone

This past weekend I was blessed to find out that one of my short stories will be published in a few months.  Out of respect for the publication I will not be posting that story but it is time to share one of the many stories that star my best friends Dave & Adam.  

I am certain I could write an entire book on the Doctor and the Milkman but to be most harmonious with the purpose of this blog I wish to share a simple story that gave me a perspective that sticks with me until this day.

It was the spring semester of 2001, a time when a program called Scour could be found up and down the dorm hallways, which made music sharing and discovery of new music infinitely easier then any past generation.

Adam & Dave's older brother Brian and family friend Ryan stopped by with their most recent musical discovery a track titled "It's All Gravy Baby" by online rap group White Dawg.  For the purpose of this story the only lyrics that matter are the title.

Quickly the rag tag crew of the Weston first floor adopted "It's All Gravy Baby" as our favorite phrase.  Words like fine, okay, cool and no problem became obsolete.  It was all gravy, all the time for the final weeks of the semester.      After using the phrase for several days I had a Eureka moment.

Everything is gravy for me!

I was a premature baby and throughout the first days of my life the doctors gave me different odds for living the night.  After close to 27 years of life I realize I am playing with house money.   This allows me to appreciate each and everyday and it also gives me freedom to go against social norms because no one is an expert on my life except me.

This is true for everyone of us on our team of humankind.  If we are thankful for what we have and listen to our guts to take the right risks the possibilities of our creations are endless!

I am proud that  I took the risks to go to Northwestern and Birmingham but I have failed to listen to my gut so many other times.  We have all failed in the past but we have full control over our present and future.  Get a little more thankful and a little more fearless and get what you want out of life now!  Say hello to that person or apply for that job because even if that fails something better is in the works.

Set the radio in your mind on thankful and fearless radio and White Dawg is right around the corner letting everybody know "It's All Gravy Baby!  It's all gravy."

Thanks for reading.  Much Love!

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