Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Positive Growth Process

Those of you that read my last post know that Brenden Foster had a significant impact on me. He was able to take a sad event and make positive growth occur.

That got me thinking is there a process for repeating such wonderful acts and creating more positive events in this world?

I believe there is. This is a simple process I've come up with. I do not believe this process is linear. I see it more as a circular process where someone can be brought in anywhere within it and help things grow.

Knowledge: someone needs to be aware of a problem before they can fix a negative or have something prosper that did not exist before the process began.

Connection: someone needs to be connected to others to help them make their dream a reality

I strongly believe that life is a team sport. In order for us to get the most out of our individual lives we must rely on others to help us in the process.

Inspiration: that creative spark or new found passion to make something happen

Inspiration has an interesting connection to my past. When I played wheelchair basketball most of the news articles written about my teams had an inspirational human interest twist rather then looking at the teams as true athletic entities. For that reason my teammates and I grew to have distaste for “the I word” however if you look at the dictionary definitions they are quite remarkable.

· arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity
· a product of your creative thinking and work; "he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists"; "after years of work his brainchild was a tangible reality"
· a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem
· divine guidance: (theology) a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings; "they believe that the books of Scripture were written under divine guidance"
· arousing to a particular emotion or action
Source: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

Action: no one can say it better then Thomas Edison “genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.”

Without action everything else is just nice thoughts. In order for us to see positive growth in the world we must take that knowledge from our head and inspiration from our heart, find others who share our passion and make things happen.

This process is a new idea I have floating around in my head. I am looking for feedback on how I could make this idea better. In other words I would be honored if you would connect to my process!

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day!

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