Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To All!

I have had many ideas for posts brewing in my head but I do not feel many of the topics are appropriate to talk about on this wonderful holiday.  I love the Lord and am so thankful to be celebrating Jesus's birth.  I also love the joyous attitude this season creates in so many.  However the last thing I want to do is offend anyone who does not share my beliefs.  This is why I slightly prefer Thanksgiving as a holiday because it is so inclusive everyone can give thanks in their lives.

In the spirit of thanks and living I would like to repost something I originally wrote on December 2nd.  May God Bless Brenden and all the other angels in our lives we are and are not aware of.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Listen to the Genius!

I have always believed wisdom can come from anywhere. In a metaphorical sense it does not matter what the book looks like just the pearl of insight it provides the reader.

An 11 year old boy named Brenden Foster from Washington was one of the wisest people on the face of this planet. He understood more about what human potential is and should be than most people who get the privilege to stick around for 10 times his lifespan. Several days ago Brenden lost his battle with cancer. I became aware of Brenden through reports from CNN over the past several weeks and I will be forever changed.

I humbly ask you to rise above the emotions of sadness and loss. There is no question this boy was an angel on short loan to us on Earth, but I did not want to get caught up in the tragic loss. Instead I want to focus on the wisdom of this boy’s words.

I must admit I'm quite apprehensive about writing this post because I'm afraid I can't do Brenden’s genius justice. However I take solace in the fact that he would be proud of my attempt in spreading his message to help others.

Brenden caught the attention of local media after using his final wish to organize a food drive that gave sandwiches to homeless people in Seattle.

His unbelievable compassion in the middle of his own pain and suffering was the first thing that struck me when I became aware of Brenden. He was able to look at the bigger picture and realize that there were others who were suffering too and he could make a difference. He did not just focus on himself with his wish. He spread positive action to others. He also had the courage to think big. Instead of just making a few sandwiches he wanted to make 500. As people became aware of Brenden's action it inspired food drives in other cities. That is the beauty of giving or positive action you never know the trickle down effect to measure the impact of a good deed or selfless act!

His last wish was not the only thing that struck me about Brenden. His words were also genius. When asked about his life he said “I had a great time and until it’s my time I am going to continue to have a good time.”

Shouldn’t that be the attitude everyone adopts for their life?

Then Brenden was asked by the reporter what makes him sad. Instead of a cookie-cutter response that might have something to do with his own difficulties his broader and more enlightened response was “When people give up.” At 11 years old Brenden figured out what some never do and most of us struggle to remember everyday. We must always push forward no matter what obstacles might lay in our way.

I will wrap up this post with another quote from Brenden.

“Follow your dreams! Don’t let anything stop you.”

Brenden Foster, Genius

God Bless you Brenden!

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