Thursday, December 25, 2008

Everyone Has Two Ears For Reason

I'm not really sure the first time I heard the phrase "God gave you two ears  and one mouth for a reason."   However that was a pearl of wisdom my mom instilled in me at some point in my childhood and it has stuck with me ever since.

I've tried extremely hard to be a good listener throughout my life.  From my feedback from the universe it seems like I do an okay job. People have a tendency to tell me things. Sometimes I want to hear them, while other times I would rather not, but I take a certain level of honor that people feel like it is safe to share their thoughts with me.

I know I fail when it comes to the idea behind the quote. I do not listen twice as much as I talk but I always try to listen as much as I talk, if possible. I believe in other posts I've shared how important  it is to be there for your fellow man and communication  is one of the simplest and most fundamental tools for helping out a friend, a foe, or a  stranger. 

For  long stretches of my life I was convinced I was some kind of social mutant who had such problems communicating with his peers that no one else could understand, however I eventually realized  all of us have some kind of problems and we are better off communicating it with someone we trust. We all feel more free when our secrets aren't secrets anymore. As my closest friends will attest my confidence since starting the blog is probably at an all-time high. I am who I am and there's not many secrets anymore. It's out there for anyone to read which is the same thing as someone to listen.

Have the courage to listen because it will make society a better place for all of us!

In the past I've been complemented on my ability to get things done and it has very little to do with me. I just follow the lead of wise people before me.  Treat all men and women exactly the same, with the highest respect.  Always say please and thank you  to the doorman, the janitor, or the waiter.   Take the time to say hello to those that most ignore and they will help you in time of need. If you ever build a rapport with someone  have the strength  to serve those who served you by listening.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!  I appreciate it greatly.

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